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LiteBlue helps employees monitor and manage careers and benefitsS. USPS driver gets stuck inside customer's gate while making delivery "User @mellymelssssss recorded herself being stuck in a home's entranceway after a gate locked behind her while she was delivering a package. PostalMag. APWU: Short Staffing Hurts Us All! "APWU members, be on the lookout for the latest edition of the American Postal Worker magazine, arriving now in your mailboxes. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Postal Employees Politics Forum. ) Postal News Stories 2023. Postal News Stories 2023. Postal Employees Onboard with Ground Advantage, but It Hasn’t Met Goals, Says Report. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible PostalMag. Postal Employees Politics Forum. Postal News Stories 2023. Working too many or […] PostalMag. Postal service workers sell postage and related products and collect, sort, and deliver mail Postal service clerks and mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators work indoors, typically in a post office. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Recent Posts. Instead, the USPS is charging for the images through the Postal Service's contract licensing office. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Postal Employee Forums. The redesign — LiteBlue's first major overhaul since 2004 — debuted Sept An important resource for Postal Service employees, LiteBlue can be accessed from. 9 million USPS employees, annuitants and their families are expected to be enrolled in a health plan within the upcoming Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) program. That is up from 87% and 94%, respectively, one month prior […] Viewpoint: Minneapolis Letter Carriers Showed We're Ready to Fight - Time for National Contract Strategy "Members highlighted the root causes of the staffing crisis: mandatory overtime, pay that hasn't kept up with inflation or with industry competitors like UPS, a toxic working environment at many stations created by bullying tactics from management, and overall poor working conditions that. Advertisement Business owners h. Eagle Magazine is the official publication of the United States Postal Service, featuring stories and insights on the Postal Service's business, mission, and history. When an Active Postal Employee Dies Notify employee's immediate supervisor, postmaster or manager. The agreement also applies to members of the National Association of Postal Supervisors. com 469-999-2118 About PostalMagcom is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possiblecom is also dedicated to developing a healthy and constructive online debate about the future of the. , NW 20001 Re: Charges against NALC President Brian L, Renfroe The U Postal Service has launched a quarterly newspaper (Mail Call) for employees who served in the military. About five years ago PostalMag. com published Marty Blumberg's poem "The Mail Must Go through. Postal Employees Politics Forum. Do you remember a time before Caller ID when you had to pick up the phone without knowing who was on the other end? While Caller ID now alerts you to the phone number (unless it is. Photo by Jimmy Emerson, some rights reserved. I also visited four Ps across the border in New Brunswick, Canada (not included in the above tally). Post Office Fiddles While Its Mail Trucks Burn 102019 - Trucks. USPS is recognized for advancing the sustainability and climate resilience of the U government in ways that cut energy costs, reduce emissions and grow our economy Roseanne is a retired USPS employee with an extensive background in USPS retirement, disability retirement, OWCP, EEO, Labor Relations and HR. Discussion forums for employees of the Postal Service - Keep posts focused on topic. As referenced in Article 8, sections 4 and 5, of the USPS-NALC and USPS-APWU. Trump is an Old fat pig, dementia riddled moron. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. - Do not attack other forum users. The announcement, set […] USPS Regulator Approves Price Spike But Warns Mail Slowdowns Could Have Worse-Than-Expected Impact 72021 - GovExec reports: "The Postal Regulatory Commission on Tuesday did not flat out reject Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's plan to slow down delivery windows for some mail, but suggested the proposal was not fully thought out and its success was far […] PostalMag. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. The senators posed a series of questions regarding how the Postmaster intends to. - Violators will be permanently banned Letter Carrier Discussions. Below, are some of the responses, plus a note from T Righter. Q 1. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. 9 million USPS employees, annuitants and their families are expected to be enrolled in a health plan within the upcoming Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) program. Comments for postal-related topics. USPS Link reports: The U Postal Service (USPS) and the Postal Police Officers Association have reached a tentative agreement on a 66-month contract, covering more than 360 postal police officers represented by the union, reports USPS Link. Trump is an Old fat pig, dementia riddled moron. Nearly 60 USPS facilities - out of 427 - have initiated Mail Processing Facility Reviews to determine whether. 4 million ballots* to and from voters during the 2022 general election. More USPS Employees Are Quitting and Workers Are Protesting Understaffing "The U Postal Service is losing a whopping 59% of its early tenure employees per year, according to a new report, which employees say is creating a staffing crisis and souring morale at many locations around the country. " Date: June 28, 2023 National Association Of Letter Carriers Executive Council 100 Indiana Ave. The Delta, Alabama Post Office serves ZIP Code 36258. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. USPS Link reports: The U Postal Service (USPS) and the Postal Police Officers Association have reached a tentative agreement on a 66-month contract, covering more than 360 postal police officers represented by the union, reports USPS Link. IMM Revision: Updates to Various Individual Country Listings. Joe Biden just pulled the old Rope a Dope move on the entire Republican Convention. Photo shared under the Creative Commons License. View the current offers here. - No offensive language or photos. USPS to Slow Down Some Mail Delivery Starting Friday 92021 - CNN reports: "Americans across the country could start seeing slowdowns in mail delivery across the country as early as Friday, when the US Postal Service implements its new service standards. China's limits on port activity and lockdowns in manufacturing hubs are snarling exports and production. - Do not attack other forum users. The free NALC apps for smartphones provide convenient access to tools and information about issues affecting active and retired letter carriers. Postal News Stories 2023. NALC: Seventh COLA is $208 "The seventh and final regular cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for career letter carriers under the 2019-2023 National Agreement was $208 annually following the release of the January consumer price index (CPI). Lowell mailman hospitalized after assault; attacks on postal workers rise "A postal worker is recovering after being assaulted on the job in Lowell on Tuesday afternoon. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. - Violators will be permanently banned. PostalMag. Find a company today! Development Most Popular Emerging Tech Deve. Postal Employees Onboard with Ground Advantage, but It Hasn’t Met Goals, Says Report. com is a website that covers news and updates about the U Postal Service and postal workers. "MOU Re: Technology Integrated Alternate Route Evaluation and Adjustment Process 2022 - 2023 (TIAREAP) establishes a process that utilizes information made available using Digital Street Review (DSR) technology as the primary means to evaluate and adjust city delivery routes. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS HIGHLIGHTS OF TENTATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE U POSTAL SERVICE 2016-2019 NATIONAL AGREEMENT Term The 2016 National Agreement will last 40 months, covering the period. Postalmag. Postal supervisors tell postal leadership, Don't blame us for DFA failures Save the Post Office< Comment. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. PostalMag. About five years ago PostalMag. Eagle Empire USPS plans to cut $5 billion in costs, grow revenue to avoid running out of cash "The Postal Service is looking to cut $5 billion from its operating costs and grow its revenue by the same amount over the next two years to overcome its long-term financial challenges. Twitter. 2023 - GovExec reports: "At his first congressional appearance in more than two years, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy faced a less contentious audience than he has in earlier testimony with lawmakers from both parties on the House Oversight and Reform Committee repeatedly thanking him for his. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. She conducts individual and group counseling and is able to comprehensively discuss the pros and cons of employees who are on OWCP, disability retirement and regular retirement. High Performance Tactical Gear for Military Professionals: U Patriot is the nation's largest supplier of military boots, military uniforms, and related high-performance tactical gear for the military professionals who serve our country. Postal Employees Onboard with Ground Advantage, but It Hasn’t Met Goals, Says Report. John Cena and Daniel Bryan's refusal comes after the death of the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey. Handbook PO-603 - Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Communities and Postal Workers United (CPWU) reports the following: Two hundred postal workers sent a letter to President Fred Rolando of the National Association of Letter Carriers, calling on him to join the Dump DeDoy, Bounce Bloom movement and "strongly urge the NALC Executive Board to take immediate concrete steps to mobilize the workforce and postal customers, and to convene a summit. Regulation Is a crackdown on the cryptocurrency market the outlier that stock traders didn't see coming because they were focused on inflation and interest rates? The last time whe. idoing headunit ) Postal News Stories 2023. Grandpa Trump will need to double down on the rightwing. Photo shared under the Creative Commons License. USPS sets higher salary caps for management-level employees in 202422. Cat on a Cold Tin Roof By Jonathan Lowe Welcome to a collection of previously published stories in all genres. Trump responded that the Postal Service has been losing billions for many years and that he is not […] Postal Supervisors Sue for Better Pay 72019 - GovExec reports: "The National Association of Postal Supervisors filed its lawsuit in the U District Court for D on behalf of the 45,000 supervisors, managers, postmasters and technical specialists that make up its members. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. The newsletter's main goal is to keep employees (and non-employees) up to date on what the USPS is doing for veterans and to provide veterans with beneficial information and resources, according to the USPS. Trump responded that the Postal Service has been losing billions for many years and that he is not […] Postal Supervisors Sue for Better Pay 72019 - GovExec reports: "The National Association of Postal Supervisors filed its lawsuit in the U District Court for D on behalf of the 45,000 supervisors, managers, postmasters and technical specialists that make up its members. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. "Over the last two years we have stabilized our operations, evolved our products, improved our service, strengthened our balance sheet, halved our projected losses and—motivated our employees to join us in this transformation. Mail Handlers, USPS Reach Tentative Contract Agreement 12020 - NPMHU reports: "The 2019 National Agreement will cover a period of three years, and will expire at midnight on September 20, 2022. Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) for Retail Richard P. Postal Employees Onboard with Ground Advantage, but It Hasn’t Met Goals, Says Report. The Internal Revenue Service recommends that you keep a copy of your income tax return after you file. Chicago postal workers rally for more protections following colleague's shooting death. walmart white gold engagement rings "The bill would make sweeping changes to USPS operations, though its scope is slightly pared back compared to previous failed attempts at postal reform. Discussion forum for postal employees to discuss politics. com 469-999-2118 About PostalMagcom is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possiblecom is also dedicated to developing a healthy and constructive online debate about the future of the. "MOU Re: Technology Integrated Alternate Route Evaluation and Adjustment Process 2022 - 2023 (TIAREAP) establishes a process that utilizes information made available using Digital Street Review (DSR) technology as the primary means to evaluate and adjust city delivery routes. Joe Biden just pulled the old Rope a Dope move on the entire Republican Convention. PostalMag. Postal Employees Politics Forum. On June 24, 2024, in Oakland County, Michigan Circuit Court, Robyn Williams, former President of National Association of Letter Carriers Branch (NALC) 320 (Waterford, Mich. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Earlier this week, the Postal Service provided the APWU with an updated list of the facilities that it's planning to convert to Sorting & Delivery Centers and the post offices that will give up their carriers to these S&DCs The new list shows the plans for September 2023: Sixteen new S&DCs will take the routes from about sixty post offices. Information on downloading and using the apps is in our apps section. CLICK FOR NALC APPS. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Joe Biden just pulled the old Rope a Dope move on the entire Republican Convention. PostalMag. Expert Advice On Improving Your Home All Projects F. Chicago postal workers rally for more protections following colleague's shooting death. - No offensive language or photos. 8, now goes to the White House to […] PSHB Program NPRM FAQ. NALC, USPS Reach Tentative National Agreement 112020 - NALC reports: "The 2019 National Agreement will last 44 months, covering the period from September 20, 2019, to May 20, 2023. Stamp collecting is still a popular hobby […] PostalMag. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Service Alerts. recently perhaps crossword clue - No offensive language or photos. Letter carriers upset over shifts in post office delivery "ROCK TAVERN - Postal workers gathered Friday at the Teamster's Local 445 hall to discuss the future transfer of clerks and letter carriers to the Mid-Hudson Sorting and Delivery Center at the Stewart Airport Industrial Park in the Town of Newburgh. " PostalMag. How a Broken Pay System Forced Postal Supervisors to Take USPS to Court 92019 - GovExec reports: "NAPS went to court because the Postal Service has violated the law's requirement that it pay managers and supervisors a salary comparable to the pay of their private sector counterparts and that it pay them more than the […] OPM Starts the Process of Booting USPS Employees to a New Health Care Program06. Joe Biden just pulled the old Rope a Dope move on the entire Republican Convention. PostalMag. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. NALC Bulletin: NALC Preparing for Interest Arbitration in Contract Negotiations Postal news archives for November 2021. com recently asked rural carriers how the recent mail counts will affect them. Postal Employee Forums. USPS rural carriers seek to decertify union after most members see pay cuts "Several thousand Postal Service rural carriers say they're in favor of decertifying their union, after USPS implemented a new pay system that led to significant pay cuts for two-thirds of the rural carrier workforce. According to the NALC Bulletin announcing the tentative contract, the MOU reads:. Wild video shows mail machine spewing packages onto floor at troubled metro Atlanta USPS facility WSB Atlanta Comment. Postal News Stories 2023. Comments for postal-related topics. The United States Postal Service is sponsoring its first National Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Week (October 26 - November 1, 2019), a public service campaign that offers safety tips and emphasizes the need for increased owner responsibility to help prevent carrier injuries. Grandpa Trump will need to double down on the rightwing. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. USPS is now passing those savings onto its customers, in the hopes that lower prices will. It is currently Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:12 am PostalMag. Postal Employees Onboard with Ground Advantage, but It Hasn’t Met Goals, Says Report. Trump is an Old fat pig, dementia riddled moron. And the pale blue colors don't help either. Check your postal uniform allowance & anniversary date!! Call: 8005003. com is dedicated to giving postal service employees the news, information, and resources they need to make their careers with the postal service as rewarding and enriching as possible. Chicago postal workers rally for more protections following colleague's shooting death.

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